Cross dyke, 200m south east of Hosedon Linn

Grid Tile: NT90NW

Scheduled Monument List Entry Ref: 1008274

OS Map (1800s)

GE Satellite Map

A Total of three Dykes (Copper Snout is on the left) scattered in the Landscape

LidAR Map

Dyke: NT 91943 08021

Length (m): 341

Orientation: W – E

Class Designation*:

Overall Width (m): 8

Ditch Width (m): 4

Bank Width (m): 4

Connectivity**: River

Ditch Shape: ?

Volume (cu.m): 1,773 (@ 1.3 depth)

Man hours to complete: 5,910

Estimated Construction Date: ?

Dyke: NT 91616 08487 (missing)

Length (m): 668

Orientation: NW – SSE

Class Designation*:

Overall Width (m): 8

Ditch Width (m): 4

Bank Width (m): 4

Connectivity**: River

Ditch Shape: ?

Volume (cu.m): 3,474 (@ 1.3 depth)

Man hours to complete: 11,579

Estimated Construction Date: ?

Scheduled Monument Report:

The monument includes the remains of a cross dyke situated across the flat top of an east-west ridge; it runs for 275m from precipitous slopes at the western end to steep slopes at the east. The dyke comprises an earthen bank 5m wide which stands to a maximum height of 1.5m; there is a ditch 2.5m wide and 0.5m deep on the north side of the bank and a ditch of slighter proportions on the south side of the bank. The association of the cross dyke with the medieval drove road of Clennell Street, which passes through a gap in the dyke, is thought to suggest that it is contemporary with it and may have served as a method of coralling sheep. It is however likely that it is prehistoric in origin and was reused during the medieval period. The fence line which crosses the cross dyke from north to south is excluded from the scheduling but the ground beneath it is included.


Analysis shows that there maybe another Dyke missing from the Scheduled Monument that joins this Dyke with NT91943 08021 (1008274) in the direction of old quarries.

References: 1008275