Hadrian’s Wall vallum between Mill Beck and the field boundary east of Kirkandrews Farm in wall mile 69

Grid Tile: NY35NE

Scheduled Monument List Entry Ref: 1014695

OS Map (1800s)

GE Satellite Map

A Total of three Dykes (Copper Snout is on the left) scattered in the Landscape

LidAR Map

Dyke: NY 35691 57471

Length (m): 570

Orientation: NE – SW

Class Designation*:

Overall Width (m): 36

Ditch Width (m): 10

Bank Width (m): 13 (x2)

Connectivity**: R

Ditch Shape: ?

Volume (cu.m): 7,410 (@ 1.3 depth)

Man hours to complete: 24,700

Estimated Construction Date: ?

Scheduled Monument Report:

The monument includes the section of Hadrian’s Wall vallum between Mill Beck in the east and the field boundary east of Kirkandrews Farm in the west. The vallum survives as a slight intermittent earthwork, the line of the ditch being visible as a depression, 0.3m-0.4m deep and averaging 20m across. Elsewhere the ditch survives as a buried feature. All road surfaces and field boundaries are excluded from the scheduling, but the ground beneath them is included.


Analysis shows that the vallum consisted of two (13m) banks and a 10m Ditch linked to two water sources.


https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/ 1008275
