Bishop’s Dyke – Cumbria

Scheduled Monument List Entry Ref: 1007136

Grid Tile: NY35SE

OS Map (1800s)

GE Satellite Map

LidAR Map

Dyke: NY 37305 51881

Length (m): 881

Orientation: N – S then W – E

Class Designation*:

Overall Width (m): 15

Ditch Width (m): 8

Bank Width (m): 7

Connectivity**: River

Ditch Shape: ?

Volume (cu.m): 1,544 (@ 1.3 depth)

Man hours to complete: 5,148

Estimated Construction Date: ?

Scheduled Monument Report:

The monument includes the remains of a dyke of medieval date, which traverse a south facing slope to the north and the west of Dalston Hall. The remains of the dyke, known as Bishop’s Dyke, are contained within four separate areas of protection with two of the sections being aligned north east-south west, one of the sections being aligned east-west and the longest section being aligned east-west before turning south west. The dyke includes a bank and double ditch with a causeway set in between. The dyke acted as a boundary marking land belonging to Dalston Hall and is also understood to have been used as a defensive earthwork to protect against Scottish marauders. The Scots laid waste to Dalston in 1337 and 1346 resulting in the construction of a pele tower. Court Rolls from 1423 record repairs to the dyke.


LiDAR Analysis shows that this Dyke may have been originally straight (meeting a previous river) and had a 90% turn south added to meet the lower water levels of the past.
